Stakeholder Engagement

Build rapport to enable trust

Impactfully connect with your stakeholders through early engagement

Who are the stakeholders? When is their input required? What is the reason their input is required? All these questions must be answered. The answers influence the buy-in and support from the parties impacted by your project. How you engage them will make or break your project, with lasting effects for years to come.

Early-stage public communication and engagement planning is a critical step in mitigating non-technical risk and ensuring your project moves forward as needed.

Our clients have confidence knowing their communication, dialogue, and commitments are being tracked, organized, and safely secured throughout the entire project life cycle, and that they are meeting regulatory requirements.

Moreover, through stakeholder engagement, you can get in front of any issues, where we can work together to find the right solution that builds trust between you and the individuals impacted.

Stakeholder Engagement Capabilities

Each project requires different engagement strategies. Below are a few of the services we offer that build trust, identify issues, and find solutions to successfully move your project forward.

  • Public Awareness Programs and Events
  • Obtain Stakeholder Consent and/or Non-Objections
  • Engagement Planning and Implementation
  • Stakeholder Mapping
  • Issues Identification, Management and Mitigation
  • Risk and Crisis Management and Response Planning
  • Community Investment Planning
  • Regulatory Compliance Relationship Management
  • Open House Planning, Management and Facilitation
  • Virtual Open House Organization and Facilitation
  • Project Notification and Mailouts
  • Communication Material Development
  • Record of Contact (ROC) Management

Virtual Open Houses

Connected conversations from the comfort of home

Flexible workspaces are fast becoming the new norm. As internet access to remote communities expands, online engagement activities, such as Open Houses, continue to grow and become a prominent part of engagement strategies. In 2020, we launched an entirely new way of communicating with stakeholders: the Virtual Open House.

Our Virtual Open Houses use an interactive storyboard which is facilitated like a traditional presentation and is easily viewed remotely by anyone with an invitation link to the event, from the comfort of their home. This platform is ideal for questions and answers using the chat feature and real-time audio. Our clients have found this beneficial for small, in-person gatherings over a laptop, or through an audio/visual setup in larger spaces. Landowners with mobility issues, or who cannot attend in person for various reasons can easily participate, allowing project communications to stay on track and all voices heard.

In addition to this, LandSolutions engages with stakeholders and clients through platforms such as Zoom meetings, MS teams, and WebEx to facilitate questions and answers along with offering continuous client support.