Leadership Team

Jason GouwVice President, Land & Engagement - Western Canada

Problem-solving and conflict resolution are second nature to Jason Gouw, who became LandSolutions’ Chief Operating Officer in early 2021. This became evident when Jason started with LandSolutions in 2018 as Vice President Land, Engagement and Regulatory within the Surface Land division after spending 22 years in-house. Since that time, he has developed a high-performing team, generating positive results that are recognized by our clients and partners. Today, whether managing large project teams or leading the operations group, Jason continues to be this consummate solutions-focused professional offering over 26 years of land access, engagement, and leadership experience in the energy and power industries. He is a vital member of our leadership team which includes being accountable for operational performance, and the execution of key strategic priorities across LandSolutions’ areas of operations. This insight is evident when he supports project negotiations and engagements which range from a single facility site to a 400MW renewable energy project and up to a proposed $28 billion-dollar LNG project. Jason’s impact with LandSolutions allows us to provide balanced, broad view thinking for projects of all sizes for our clients across Canada and the United States. Jason is a graduate of Olds College Land Acquisition and Management program (1996) and has his Professional Surface Land (PSL) designation through the Canadian Association of Land Energy Professionals (CALEP).